Saturday 31 December 2011


 2011 was not that bad for me since i had a good share of happiness this year. i think the last few months saved my entire year though. lucky me.

this year, I...

moved to a new blog.
got my first pair of doc marts.
got my driver's license.
got fired during my internship ( one hell of an experience )
went to China for 7 weeks.
dyed my hair red thn brown and purple thn black thn ash brown.
took part in a flea for the first time.
had a birthday that felt like a birthday.
went to All Time Low's concert ( first time watching a concert in the rain )
rode on a four man bike.
developed a deep love for crystals.
made new friends.
ice skate for the first time.
mustered the courage to move back into my own room to sleep alone.
went to JB with fanny ( not something my mum would let me do in the past )
walked into a club for the first time ( only lasted for about 5 minutes cause it was early and there was nobody )
tried a new job ( blackberry )
had the best christmas.
spent the most on online shopping ever since i started.
managed to thank my close friends for being friend with such a contradicting and lame-most-of-the-time person like me.
fell sick twice, lost my voice once.
bought a prime lens.
played darts for the first time and sucked at it.
tried a margarita, erdinger, singapore sling, apple cider and martini for the first time.
got a piano black instax.
managed to live with seeing you 2 days per week.
got purple jewel LED lights for my room.
broke my own lousy record of 54 points at bowling with a 71 points.
played wii for the first time.
played kinect for the first time.
went to Marina Bay Sands observatory deck for the first time.
baked some new stuff.
did my own henna for the first time.
stole something from china. ( stupid but another new experience)
ran off without paying for 2 coconuts at Little India. ( impulsive but funny)
had quite a number of heartaches which i managed to pull through.
see the change in you and am really glad.
love you more.
still need to be better.
will make sure i try harder the next year.

2012 better be kind.
I want to graduate, learn to play the guitar, learn to speak another language, dress more feminine, earn some money, go for a grad trip to another country, make more new friends, get into a university, make things work for us, have a balance in life, be happy, do better, have more new experiences, love more hate less. ( for now. )

its new yr's eve. brace yourself for a new year. (:

Monday 26 December 2011

Almost the end. again.

sent out the christmas cards i've been working on for a few days but quite disappointed because they did not reach my friends before christmas. but i still hope whoever receives it would like it. its not the best but i really did put in effort. 

This christmas was really good for me because of the company i hung out with. I made new friends, caught up with the old friends and tried new things. thank you thank you thank you to you guys for making this christmas such a good one for me. 

To Randy, To Lena, To Syl, To Gwen, To Vic, To Tiffany, To Fanny, To 八三, To friends around me, To year 2011 even though it really sucked at times for me, To the possibility of something more wonderful that awaits us in the year to come. 

Friday 23 December 2011


The more angry I am, the more heartbroken get after the angst is gone. tonight just really sucked for me cause I'm reminded of so much. 

Tmr will be better. it will. 

Thursday 15 December 2011


1. christmas card illustration
2. deal with overdue photos
3. find a nice dress
4. clean my room
5. work on inds
6. start planning for my portfolio seriously. 
7. meet up with friends.
8. dempsey hill

Wednesday 14 December 2011

talk is cheap.

sometimes, just sometimes, i miss the old me.
I've been thinking alot more than i used to and its not always a good thing.
simple is good. complications are not.

gone are the days where we all have lesser to worry about.
I guess we all have to start enjoying today because tomorrow, today will be gone and before we know it, many todays would be gone too. time is a scary thing. i need to make practical plans and start making sure things get done.

& i think i talk alot.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Christmas is just round the corner

I'd really like to make christmas cards to thank everyone who have made this year work for me. 
but looking at the amount of work i have to do for my final year project, i dont know if it is even possible.

Sigh. okay anyway, I really hate my daily life routine right now. its just sleep work eat bathe work eat work sleep eat work eat work bathe work .............. ya. like that. 

got to get back to the boring cycle now bye.